Sage Barista Express

Sage Barista Express
Coffee Machines > Sage Coffee Machines > Sage Espresso Machines
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Type of Coffee Machine - Espresso
Tank Capacity - 2 Litres
Dimensions - H40 x W32.5 x D31cm
Features - Grinder, Steamer, Pre-Infuse, Cup warmer
The Sage Barista Express features a built-in grinder and steam wand so you can craft barista-standard coffee at home.
The Barista Express is a brilliant espresso machine for those looking to perfect their skills as a home barista and keen to understand what's actually happening during extraction. The built-in pressure gauge on the front of the machine displays the exact bar of pressure during each shot, so you can make informed decisions on the grind and dose for espresso perfection.
The process of extracting an espresso is very similar to the Sage Barista Pro above. Set the grind size on the dial to the left of the machine and the dose (essentially the duration the grinder operates) on the dial on the front of the machine.
Tamp the coffee and then lock into the group head before selecting either the preset double or single shot coffee. Steam the milk by filling the jug up to the bottom of the spout and texturing until the milk becomes warm.
You're aiming to position the tip of the steam wand just below the surface of the swirling milk - it should make a tearing sound.