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Aeropress Grind Size

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The best thing about an Aeropress can also be the most frustrating.

Although I love using my trusty Aeropress it’s sometimes hard to get an answer as there isn’t just one.

A perfectionist's worst nightmare, there are thousands of recipes and thousands of Aeropress grind sizes. 

However, there is always a good place to start and after brewing that many Aeropress coffees the Aeropress branding has worn away, I can give you some pointers on the best coffee grind size for Aeropress.

Skip To:
What is the best grind size for AeroPress?
Can you grind too fine for AeroPress?
When should you grind coffee for Aeropress?
What grind is best for inverted AeroPress?
Is AeroPress fast or slow grind?
What is the best brew time for AeroPress?
Is espresso grind the same for AeroPress?
What grind size for AeroPress vs V60?
Is French press grind good for AeroPress?
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What is the best grind size for AeroPress?

In 2 words: Medium Fine. 

Now in a few more words…

There are some coffee methods out there that require an extremely precise grind size.

Espresso coffee for example is one of those that even a minute change in grind size can significantly affect the end result, whether the coffee then becomes under or over extracted. 

This isn’t really the case with Aeropress. 

In my humble opinion, the Aeropress is the most versatile and enjoyable coffee maker on the market (it was invented by a toy maker, what do you expect). 

Therefore there isn’t a set way to brew your coffee in an Aeropress and there doesn’t exist one Aeropress coffee grind size. 

Experience the best coffee in the World

Aeropress coffee is a sort of cult brew method with thousands of people creating different recipes and brew guides (checkout the Aeropress World Championships) some of which require medium fine ground, some require medium coarse ground. 

So there isn’t necessarily a correct way to grind coffee for Aeropress. 

However, if you are just starting out I would recommend you opt for a medium-fine ground and then branch out from there into different grind sizes when you are comfortable brewing.

Can you grind too fine for AeroPress?

Yes you can.

I have tried to brew an Aeropress with coffee that is too fine and it is a struggle. 

Basically you will end up with some coffee in your cup before the grounds clog the filter and you will find it really hard to plunge.

Depending on how fine you have ground your coffee you will have vary levels of difficulty to press all of the water out.

Whether you manage to plunge all the way down or not your coffee will certainly taste unbalanced and probably over-extracted and bitter.

When should you grind coffee for Aeropress?

You should grind coffee for Aeropress right before you are about to brew. 

Like with any method of brewing coffee we recommend you brew freshly ground coffee.

As soon as coffee beans hit those coffee burrs they start to lose some of the taste profile as oxygen breaks down the delicate flavour compounds.

What is the perfect AeroPress ratio?

We recommend a 1:15 coffee to water ratio in our aeropress brew guide

Similar to Aeropress grind size though, there is no correct answer.

There are so many different Aeropress recipes out there today, some of which call for 1:6 some 1:18 ratio. 

However, similar to trying to find the best Aeropress ground size a good place to start with your brew ratio is 1:12.

After you have plunged a few brews then start experimenting with different ratios. 

What grind is best for inverted AeroPress?

At Batch Coffee Club we use a medium-fine grind for our inverted Aeropress recipe. 

Your recipe will dictate how fine you grind your coffee for this Aeropress method, if your brew ratio is low (1:8) I would grind the coffee more towards fine that medium and a higher ratio 1:18 then grind your coffee slightly coarser than medium-fine. 

Is AeroPress fast or slow grind?

An Aeropress grind size is a fairly slow grind. 

As the coffee is a medium-fine grind size then it will take longer to run through your burr coffee grinder than for example a cafetiere grind size which calls for a medium coarse grind.

What is the best brew time for AeroPress?

Our Aeropress recipe uses a brew time of just over a minute. 

That includes a 45 second bloom and a 10 second stir, the coffee is alos brewing as you are pressing down on the plunger, so the total time will be somewhere between 65 to 80 seconds. 

Is espresso grind the same for AeroPress?

Espresso grind and AeroPress grind are similar but not exactly the same. 

Espresso grind is usually finer than AeroPress grind.

Espresso requires a very fine grind to properly extract the flavour and oils from the coffee grounds. 

AeroPress, on the other hand, benefits from a slightly coarser grind to allow for a longer brew time and a smoother flavour.

However, the ideal grind size for AeroPress can vary depending on personal preference and the specific Aeropress recipe being used. 

Some people prefer a finer grind for a stronger, more concentrated coffee, while others may prefer a coarser grind for a smoother, less intense flavour.

I would recommend experimenting with different grind sizes to find what works best for your taste and brewing method.

If you have a grinder at home, try grinding the beans at different settings and see how the resulting coffee tastes.

If you're buying pre-ground coffee, look for a grind that is labelled specifically for AeroPress or experiment with different grind sizes until you find what works best for you.

What grind size for AeroPress vs V60?

For medium to fine grind size for Aeropress is generally recommended.

The best Aeropress coffee grind size can vary depending on personal preference and the specific recipe being used, but in general, a grind size similar to table salt is a good starting point.

This finer grind size allows for a longer brew time and a smoother flavour.

For V60, a medium-fine to medium grind is typically used.

The ideal pour over grind size can also vary depending on personal preference and the specific recipe being used, but in general, a grind size slightly coarser than table salt is a good starting point.

This coarser grind size allows for a faster flow rate and a brighter, more acidic flavour profile.

It's important to note that the ideal grind size for both methods can vary depending on factors such as the type of coffee beans being used, the water temperature, and the brewing time.

Experimenting with different grind sizes and other brewing variables can help you find the perfect cup of coffee for your taste preferences.

Is French press grind good for AeroPress?

French press grind is generally too coarse for AeroPress.

French press requires a very coarse grind to prevent the coffee from becoming too bitter, while AeroPress requires a finer grind to allow for a longer brew time and a smoother flavour.

Using a French press grind for AeroPress may result in a weak, under-extracted cup of coffee because the water will flow through the grounds too quickly and not extract enough flavour.