Speciality coffee subscription club


We are on a mission to sip, taste and review the UK’s best coffees.

UE Coffee Roasters

UE Coffee Roasters Review

UE coffee roasters are an independent family run business from Oxfordshire.


UE has been around for quite a while when it comes to speciality coffee roasters. 2009 to be exact was when Dominic and Daniella opened their doors to showcase the delights of freshly roasted coffee in Oxfordshire.

Their brand is built on the relationships and the community that they have nurtured over the past decade and now are looking to elevate UE roasters to the next level.


To quote directly for UE;

Whether it is the experience had by the customers, in our own retail stores through to our wholesale partners, or that of our team. Experience is something we cherish and harness to be the best we can be.

UE Coffee Roastery

UE Coffee Roasters like to cultivate talent and spent time training and bettering their team across the board. These guys are certainly driven not only to produce the best quality coffee possible but in the best way possible. 

The branding and packaging are fairly new and oozes quality and premium coffee I had a long chat with the Business development manager, Tom about the pros and cons of coffee packaging, which is something I have researched extensively for our coffee subscription boxes.

There is certainly a balance between style, practicality, environment, and price and I think that UE has hit the sweet spot. 

The coffees that they rotate on their single-origin menu, as well as their blends, are of that quality and premium nature deserving that beautiful branding.


These guys don’t just roast delicious coffee and post sexy Instagram photos though, they also give back.

The barista foundation was launched to make use of the resources and relationships that UE coffee roasters have forged over the last decade and to help groups around the world. 

The two charities that they are currently supporting are the Elephant Valley Project in Cambodia and Homeless Oxfordshire. 

The EVP  is a sanctuary developed for elephants that have spent their lives in captivity and may have been overworked and injured.

They have been significantly affected by COVID-related travel restrictions because the majority of their funding comes from tourism. UE make regular donations plus a proportion of their solidarity blend goes towards the cause.


We sip and slurp coffee from all over the world. Discover which of these were our teams favourite.



The Origin

The Tierra Lenca Coffee From UE coffee roasters originates from the Opalaca region of Honduras.

This coffee comes from a group of female Lenca producers in Lempira department in the Opalaca region of Honduras and is exclusive to Ue Coffee Roasters in the UK.

Honduras Coffee Beans

San Carlos Dos is part of the Blue Harvest Program started in 2016 and is run by Catholic Relief Services which looks at helping to address water tables and areas highlighted for water shortages in Central America.

UE Coffee Roasters Details

The Lenca are the largest indigenous group in Honduras, there are an estimated 100,000 Lenca in the country, with their activity primarily focused around cultivation of agricultural crops.

Following two major hurricanes in 2020, much of their drying infrastructure for processing coffee in this region was damaged.

A premium of 15c/lb was paid on this coffee to facilitate the building of a community drying station with raised parabolic beds.

The station is available for free for the producers of the group.

They receive training to use the thermo hygrometer and moisture meter to help them track air temperature, humidity and the moisture content of their drying coffee to help ensure the final quality of their processed crop.

Photo: Honduran Coffee Farmers: AVSF

Photo: Honduran Coffee Farmers: AVSF



What to Expect


Here’s an idea of what to expect from this delicious washed Honduran coffee from UE coffee roasters.

UE Coffee Roasters scores

Team Batch brew method of choice - Pour Over.

If you loved this coffee and want it to have it in your life again order directly from UE Coffee Roasters now.


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