Speciality coffee subscription club


We are on a mission to sip, taste and review the UK’s best coffees.


SIP coffee uk

Beautiful and ethical coffee in every... sip.


SIP coffee are a relatively new roastery based in Reading.

SIP are an indie business who believe in the finer things in life, like: amazing high grade coffee, stunning design, and beautiful experiences.

All of their incredible coffee is selected with care by our roasters and sourced from microlots and small scale ethical farms from around the world.


Founders Tom & Hannah Rogers both studied BAHons Fine Art at university together in Falmouth, Cornwall, UK - which is incidentally where they both discovered speciality coffee.

In 2021 they founded SIP.

Tom and Hannah both love speciality coffee. They hope you love SIP's coffee as much as they do and stick around with us as SIP grows, explores and experiments with more beans, and releases more products.



Batch Coffee
Flavour Wheel Print?

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The Origin

The Codelhonin coffee from SIP originates from the Huila region of Colombia.

This magnificent washed Colombian coffee is produced by The Cooperative Divino Nino del Horizonte, located in Suaza, Huila region of Colombia.

SIP Coffee Roasters Details.jpg

The cooperative works with over 50 exceptional local single-farm micro lots.

It delivers a coffee that is super juicy with tasting notes of treacle, blackcurrant and pecan, conveying a beautiful balance of acidity and sweetness.

Unlike its neighbour to the East, Colombia has many smallholder coffee farmers, with 60% of Colombian coffee farmers cultivating land of less than 1 hectare.

Colombian coffee farming

Drying Coffee on a Colombian Small Hold Farm. Photo - Mercanta

This obviously is exciting news to any speciality coffee roaster as there are many different micro-lots to discover.

With the boom in speciality coffee over the last decade, government or privately funded programs are incentivising Colombian coffee farmers to produce higher quality coffee rather than higher yielding commercial grade coffee. 

Colombian coffee Farm Microlot

Microlot, Colombia. Photo - Mercanta


Colombian coffee as you would expect with the amount of smallholders has an array of flavours and profiles to offer.

From the more heavier coffee’s that were traditionally marketed as high quality Colombian coffee in the 50’s through to the more delicate and complex varieties that are more recently coming out of Colombia.



What to Expect


Here’s an idea of what to expect from this Colombian coffee from SIP.

SIP Coffee Roasters Scores.jpg

Team Batch brew method of choice - Aeropress.

If you loved this coffee and want it to have it in your life again order directly from SIP now.


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