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Murmuration Coffee Roasters Review


Murmuration Coffee Roasters are here!


The eagerly anticipated, boundry pushing new kid on the block is already creating a stir.

Murmuration is coffee legend Dom Pulleyn’s new coffee roastery.

Dom has worked in the coffee industry for many years for some of the biggest names in the UK.

The name Murmuration was chosen because of the implication of unity, teamwork, strong relationships and connection to the natural world.


These elements reflect Murmuration’s company values and mission as we all work towards the shared goal of a fairer, safer and protected future for all.

Murmuration coffee Co UK

Look out for Dom in this years UK Barista Championships as hopes to propel Murmuration into your V60.

murmuration coffee uk

Find your local roaster on our Independent Coffee Roasters Map.


BOX 72


The Origin

The Kegwa AA coffee from Murmuration Coffee Roasters originates from the Kirinyaga County of Kenya.

Kegwa Coffee Factory is located in the Central Province, Kirinyaga County in Njukiini location of Gichugu Division near Kianyaga town at an altitude of 1504 masl.

It was established in the 1960s and rests on a 3 acre piece of land serving Kegwa, Mwiboini, Cieni, and Kithiga A & B Villages.

Currently it is affiliated to Ngiriambu Farmers’ Co operative Society Ltd

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After harvesting all the coffee is delivered to the factory and undergoes the wet processing method.

Water is pumped from the River Nyamindi to the reservoir tanks for pulping and recirculation. After pulping the coffee is stored overnight, washed, soaked and spread on the drying tables. The parchment is then frequently turned on the drying tables, sorted and stored awaiting delivery to the millers who are also the marketing agent.

To ensure that the processing is carried out efficiently the factory has invested in a pulper, a recirculation system and about 8 conditioning bins.

In line with the rising awareness on the need to conserve the environment, the factory has dug the waste water soak pits away from the water source where the waste water is allowed to soak in back to the soil.

Murmuration coffee kenya

Kegwa Coffee factory is run by a station manager who oversees all activities within the factory.

Together with other staff members they carry out duties such as weighing coffee, selection and grading of coffee, paying farmers and addressing farmers’ complaints



What To Expect

Here’s an idea of what to expect from this super juicy Kenyan coffee from Murmuration Coffee Roasters.

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Team Batch brew method of choice - Pour Over.

If you loved this coffee and want it to have it in your life again order directly from Murmuration Coffee Roasters now.


Where to buy Murmuration Coffee?

You can purchase all of their fantastic single origin, blends and decaf coffee’s from their online store.


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