Batch Coffee Club UK

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Born in Sydney

Raised Brooklyn

Roasting in Amsterdam

Lot61 is the intersection of differnet cultures and backgrounds.

They are on a mission to become a circular coffee brand in every aspect of their field.

Meaning that they want to make sure that they use natural resources - materials, energy, water - in a way that future generations are able to meet their own needs.

To leave a positive impact.

Visit ’s Lot61’s Website

The amazing people behind Lot61 left home with a sense of adventure in search of a more fulfilling life. They are at their imaginative best when they’re using their hands to ply our craft - doing things as they should be done

But, Lot61 are all about the people.

Nothing brings them more joy than firing up the roaster, opening the doors and serving a community.

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Batch Coffee
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The Origin

The Union de Cafetaleros from Lot61 Originates from Costa Rica.

In 2006 nine coffee producers in San Isidro de León Cortez decided to start their own Micro-mill and founded Union de Cafetaleros de San Isidro (UNDECAF).

El Roble, the name of the mill, and connected farms are located high up in the region of Tarrazú.

Twenty three families are working to make UNDECAF and El Roble into a vibrant community.

Many children from the farmers work on the mill where they can learn about coffee processing and administration of the company.

The lots from the mill have lots of sweetness, paired with a delicate complexity.

Photo: UNDECAF - Coffee Quest

With an increase in micro mills around 20 years ago, Costa Rican coffee is extremely traceable, right back to the exact farm or lot.

That said, it is now possible to highlight flavours from a particular crop that may have otherwise been diluted.

Honey processed coffee has also played a huge role in the Costa Rican coffee culture with many farmers adopting this method to produce more interesting coffee’s.

Photo: UNDECAF Processing Plant - Coffee Quest

What to Expect

Here’s an idea of what to expect from this delicious honey processed Costa Rican coffee from Volcano coffee roasters.

Team Batch brew method of choice - Pour Over.

If you loved this coffee and want it to have it in your life again order directly from Lot61 Coffee Roasters now.

Download Our Free Brew Guide PDF

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