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Fair Beans Conservation Coffee

Fair Beans Coffee UK

Fair Beans Conservation Coffee is a unique new coffee roaster on a mission to make a difference.


It all begain with a passion for coffee and a love of animals.

Not only are Fair Beans committed to providing great tasting coffee but they’re also determined to help end the plight of endangered species such as Gorillas, Tigers and Rhinos.

Human deforestation, animal trafficking, climate change and poaching is putting the survival of these incredible animals at risk.

That’s why at least 25 per cent of their profits goes to WWF via Work For Good, with the aim of raising this to 50 per cent as soon as they can.


Fair Beans Conservation Coffee is the brainchild of Christopher Lobina, a coffee enthusiast and animal lover. A photographer by trade, Christopher found himself with more time on his hands than usual during the global pandemic.

Fair beans Coffee roasters

Consequently, he found himself discovering more about the endangered mountain gorillas in Uganda who were facing increasingly dangerous conditions and being pushed further up the mountains as humans invaded their habitat.

An official count in 2018 showed there were 1004 mountain gorillas left in the world, but according to the WWF a 2019 survey shows this number has risen to 1063.

With evidence the situation for these magnificent creatures was brightening, Christopher felt inspired and wondered if there was a way to fuse his love of coffee with his concern for endangered species.

After much research, consultation with master roasters, coffee aficionados, baristas and animal preservation groups, the idea of Fair Beans Conservation Coffee was born – a specialty coffee company with a focus on good coffee doing good around the world.



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The Origin

The Gorilla beans from Fair Beans originate from the Rwenzori Mountain region or Uganda.

The beans originate from between 300-500 farms in the Rwenzori Mountains.

Farms in this area are very small, which is why they are grouped together in specific areas and produced in several lots. Farmers then take their beans to Bugoye a nearby community and home of the Rwenzori Coffee Washing Station built in 2019.

The local farmers are smallholders growing coffee as their main cash crop, usually to raise funds to pay school fees for their children and to provide for their family.

Fair beans coffee

Because we want to ensure farmers working on our Gorilla Beans are paid above Fairtrade, Omwani their ethical UK importer works directly with a promoter farmer.

Fair beans ugandan coffee

This farmer not only helps with the logistics of collecting coffee and keeping it fresh but also acts and buys coffee directly on our behalf and is trusted within the community.

Uganda is fairly new to the speciality coffee scene. Although the country has always produced coffee it mainly exported Robusta coffee (and is thought to be where it was born).

Nowadays 80% of the coffee that is produced is Robusta, of which some of the highest quality in the world can be found. Arabica makes up the further 20% but is one the rise with a demand for the unique flavours and cup profile that Ugandan coffees produce.

Ugandan Coffee Farming

Ugandan Coffee Farmers. Photo: Genuine Origin



What to Expect


Here’s an idea of what to expect from this pioneering Ugandan coffee from Fair Beans coffee roasters.

Fair Beans Coffee Roasters Scores (14).jpg

Team Batch brew method of choice - Cafetiere

If you loved this coffee and want it to have it in your life again order directly from Fair Beans Coffee Roasters now.


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