Batch Coffee Club UK

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Sanctuary Coffee

Coffee that helps rescue animals.

Sanctuary Coffee are a new coffee brand in the UK that support animal charities with every sale of their expertly roasted speciality coffee.

Founders Marcus and Rhian are using coffee sales as a force for good and investing a share of their profits into rescues and sanctuaries all over the UK to help take the financial pressure away to help give every animal a healthy and happy life.

Visit Santuary’s Website

Each year animal rescues and shelters in the UK have the task of rehoming almost one quarter of a million animals.

Sadly, most of these rescued animals are unable to be resettled and over time this can put enormous financial strain on so many sanctuaries.

Sanctuary Coffee exists to do something about this.

The coffee that Sanctuary showcase is responsibly sourced from importer partners or directly with producers all over the world and fully traceable to farm.

This assurance allows them to trade with confidence knowing that their farmers receive a better living wage; keeping the foundation of the industry going strong.

Each coffee is carefully and seasonally selected, then roasted by Marcus (a real bean-whizz) in London using small batches.

This keeps their coffee fresh and waste low.

Batch Coffee
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The Origin

The Little Joe coffee from Sanctuary originates from the Mió farm in the Monte Santo De Minas region of Brazil.

A third of the land on the Mió’s farm is dedicated to growing coffee, the rest of the land is dedicated to native trees, wild life and animals to protect the balance with the natural environment.

Mió operate with a self sustaining and organic farming approach, their compost is entirely homemade with waste products from the farm itself; coffee straw, coffee husk, wastewater from coffee processing and cattle manure from Mió's cows.

They are also a home for bees and beehives due to their commitment to planting native trees along side their coffee trees.

They aim to ensure that the farm works as a functioning ecosystem, with animals and plants living in balance.

These bees help to improve the quality and yield of each years crop.

Coffee Farm Mió

Not only do these beans make a difference where they are grown but also where they are roasted and sold.

Little Joe raises money for rescued horses and ponies residing at Cecil's Horse Sanctuary in Elstree.

Yellow Catuai

Cecil's aims to relieve the suffering of horses and ponies, who may be old, neglected, abandoned or otherwise, in need of care and attention.

Many of the residents go to them with physical and/or mental health problems – some requiring special diets or ongoing medical treatment.

The ponies live together in herds and spend the day with their friends eating, sleeping, drinking and playing.

They are fed, watered, cared for and loved in a forever home by founder Julie and the volunteers.

The sanctuary relies entirely on donations, events, open days and the hard work of the team.

Cecil's Horse Sanctuary

What to Expect

Here’s an idea of what to expect from this natural Brazilian coffee from Sanctuary Coffee Roasters.

Team Batch brew method of choice - Espresso

If you loved this coffee and want it to have it in your life again order directly from Sanctuary Coffee Roasters now.

Download Our Free Brew Guide PDF

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