Batch Coffee Club UK

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Pelicano Coffee Decaf

Pelicano Coffee Co. are the pioneering coffee roasters based in Brighton.

The sweet spot between great design and superb coffee has well and truly being tickled in Pelicanos case.

Opening their doors to the progressive folk of Brighton in 2014, Pelicano have always kept their customer on their toes and are constantly evolving in the everchanging world of speciality coffee.

If you are an ‘Instagram scroller’ and you happen to follow various coffee roasters then there’s half a chance you have already come across their unique design with each roast depicting a badass coffee drinking character. 

The coffee that Pelicano roast is on point with their branding. At the time of writing, they were showcasing 7 single origins including a geisha. 

After speaking to Dom at Pelicano it was clear to see that these guys knew what they were doing and knew where they wanted to go. They have harnessed the coffee curiosity of their local customers and have grown into and now become part of the cities coffee culture.

Batch Coffee Decaf

The laid back style coupled with super high-quality coffee reminded me of some of the coffee roasters I came across in Australia and is in fact the place the two owners first met.

See this map in the original post
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Meet The Roaster

We spoke to the team at Pelicano Coffee Co.

How did it all begin?

Pelicano Coffee Co. began when Zephir Thomas and Sol Lee met on a pear farm on the outskirts of Melbourne. Together they have built Brighton's most influential and important coffee brands in what has now become a city with a thriving coffee community.

One of the foundations of the scene, Pelicano has grown to 4 espresso bars and supplies many of East Sussex best coffee establishments.

I’m a sucker for great design and you guys have some fantastic branding. What’s the inspiration behind the illustrations?

All branding and artwork have been designed by the owner and in house illustrator, Sol. The artwork for the coffee bags changes with the monthly rotating offering of single origins and the new designs are always eagerly awaited by our customers.

Sol's Korean heritage and interest in Brighton tattooing culture have influence the illustrations (which many now believe bare resemblance to our staff members!)

3 words to sum up Pelicano.

Independent - Individual - Influential

You guys have been around since 2014, how has the speciality coffee industry in Brighton and the UK changed in that time?

We believe Brighton is at the forefront of the UK coffee scene. In 2014 when the Pelicano opened it was one of Brighton's first speciality shops. Since then a thriving coffee scene has bloomed across the city.

What sets Pelicano apart is its inclusive attitude and family dynamic. We are lucky to have very decerning and loyal customers who continue to demand the best in traceable, world-beating speciality coffee

Favourite Brew Method?

Filter coffee in all its weird and wonderful forms.

Do you have any favourite coffee roasters in the UK?

Calendar - Dark Arts - Round hill

What does the future have in store for Pelicano?

We want to bring people together in the community we have helped build while continuing to push the boundaries of speciality coffee.

BOX 11


The Origin

The La Plata decaf coffee from Pelicano Coffee Roasters originates from the Huila region of Colombia.

See this content in the original post

The coffee beans are cupped as regular green samples and specifically identified for decaffeination, which happens in-country in Colombia before the coffee goes to export.

This allows Pelicano to maintain both the integrity of the quality of the coffees they choose to decaf, but also to extend their intentional and responsible sourcing to their decaf offerings as well as our “regular.”

This process works by soaking green coffee in a bath of water and a solvent called ethyl acetate, which is naturally derived from fermented sugar, among other natural sources.

The solvent bonds to the salts of chlorogenic acid within the coffee, which allows for the extraction of caffeine.

The coffee is removed from its bath and steamed at low pressure to ensure no traces of E.A. are left, and the finished product is almost entirely free of any but the most trivial (0.1–0.3%) caffeine content.

What To Expect

Here’s an idea of what to expect from this Colombian decaf coffee from Pelicano coffee roasters.

Team Batch brew method of choice - Moka Pot.

If you loved this coffee and want it to have it in your life again order directly from Pelicano Coffee Roasters now.