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Danelaw Coffee Roasters

Danelaw is a coffee roastery based out of Holmfirth UK.

Owned and operated by specialty guru, David Jameson.

Dave is a 2-time UK Coffee in Good Spirits Champion, a Q-Arabica grader (licensed professional coffee taster) and he coached the 2017 World Coffee in Good Spirits Champion.

He havs judged the World Barista Championship and been the master of ceremonies for coffee championships across Europe.

Visit Danelaw’s Website

Dave is a World Coffee Events AllStar and he’s made coffee on 5 continents.

He has been working in coffee for almost 18 years now, from multinationals to small Indies.

He has been responsible for coffees that have won over 50 Great Taste Award stars since 2017.

Speciality Coffee can seem very confusing. Washed, Natural, Hybrid, Carbonic Maceration.

It’s easy to feel like you’re trying to decipher a hidden code.

Danelaw’s goal is to help to demystify Speciality Coffee and make it more approachable, without losing those interesting stories.

David has bought, blended, roasted, tasted, sold, made and talked about coffee for over 16 years, from Welders in Wokingham to World Champions in West Hampstead.

They source great quality, interesting speciality coffee to help you get to the point where you’ll be able to make the coffees you love from your local speciality coffee shop in the comfort of your kitchen.

Batch Coffee
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The Origin

The Rwamatamu coffee from Danelaw originates from the Nyamasheke region of Rwanda.

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In January 2024, David visited Rwanda as part of the UK Rwanda Business Forum and was massively impressed by what he saw there, so on his return he set about finding a great example of a classic Rwandan Red Bourbon coffee.

Working with a friend, Dave Burton from Omwani Coffee, he has sourced this excellent lot from the Rwamatamu washing station of Nyamasheke in the Western Province.

This region provides a tropical highland climate with an average temperature of 14 to 24 c and regular rainfall. This makes arabica coffee flourish and results in a dense, hard bean.

Rwamatamu work to have a positive social and economic impact on farmer communities, focusing on women in particular.

Mukantwaza Laetitia and Rutaganda Gaston have been in the coffee industry for over 13 years.

They founded Rwamatamu in 2015 to contribute to the fight against poverty in rural communities through harvesting coffee, but at its heart, Rwamatamu Coffee Ltd is an entrepreneurial commercial business.

It has 20 hectares of coffee plantation from where it harvests its own cherries but also purchases cherries from affiliate co-operatives and local producer families and smallholder farmers.

Coffee is harvested from farms between 1600 to 2000 metres above sea level, on rich volcanic soil. Picking season is between January and March.

Once harvested, cherries are taken to Rwamatamu washing station for pulping, fermentation and is then fully washing with spring water.

From here they are sun dried and hand sorted to eliminate any defects.

What To Expect

Here’s an idea of what to expect from this superb Rwandan coffee from Danelaw.

Team Batch brew method of choice - Pour Over.

If you loved this coffee and want it to have it in your life again order directly from Danelaw now.

Download Our Free Brew Guide PDF

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