Batch Coffee Club UK

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Cartwheel Coffee Roasters

Cartwheel roast their amazing speciality coffee out of their roastery in Nottingham

Founded by husband and wife team Alex and Becci, Cartwheel now opertate a number of cafes around the city.

It’s fair to say that Alex has coffee running through his veins. At only eight years old, he was helping to clean down the tables and taking orders from customers at The Bean, his Mum’s popular coffee shop in Beeston.

By fourteen, he'd worked every role in the café, which gave him a valuable insight into the inner workings of a successful coffee business.

Visit Cartwheel’s Website

After falling in love with specialty coffee over the next few years in Canada Alex returned to the UK and embarked on his own coffee journey - Cartwheel.

As a qualified Q grader Alex endeavours to showcase the highest quality specialty coffee possible that is sustainably produced and traceable alongside the best in-cafe environment and culture possible, serving exceptionally high-quality, local food.

Batch Coffee
Flavour Wheel Print?

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The Origin

The Kercha Sharo coffee from Cartwheel Coffee Roasters originates from the Guji region of Ethiopia.

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The Kercha dry mill is located in the infamous Guji region.

This site operates as a proccessing site for surrounding smallholder farmers, built by Israel in 2016 to service the producers in the area due to the difficult nature of transporting coffee to other washing stations; the area is a full day's drive from any other processing site.

Smallholders from the Sharo area deliver cherry to the station, where it is processed by Israel and his team.

This lot is naturally processed. Cherries are hand-sorted before going into flotation tanks to remove defects. Whole cherries are dried on African raised drying beds in thin layers, for about 15-18 days weather dependent.

The cherries are covered with plastic or shade nets during peak heat of the day and the night.

Israel, Bruna and Asnake. Photo: Kamba Coffee

What to Expect

Here’s an idea of what to expect from this special Ethiopian coffee from Cartwheel coffee roasters.

Team Batch brew method of choice - Pour Over

If you loved this coffee and want it to have it in your life again order directly from Cartwheel Coffee Roasters now.

Download Our Free Brew Guide PDF

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