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Caravan Coffee Roasters Decaf

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Caravan Coffee Roasters are the laid back pioneering coffee roasters based in London.

Their culture and values are exactly the type of coffee brand we look to work with at Batch.

After chatting to Fletcher at Caravan coffee roasters for 30 seconds I could already tell that I was going to love working with them.

These guys have been around for over ten years now and in speciality coffee that’s quite a long time, they have now grown into a huge multi-venue coffee roaster that supplies coffee to cafes all over the UK.

Although they have now become one of the biggest coffee roasters in the UK on the back of their passion for sourcing and roasting high-quality coffee their personality and character have remained.

This may be one of the factors why Caravan has grown from strength to strength. 

It’s not just their clients and suppliers in the UK that Caravan has created strong relationships with over the last few years, their commitment to sourcing high-quality coffee and helping support the communities in coffee-producing countries has remained paramount in their principles of building a sustainable and ethical coffee business.


Caravan coffee, roast their seasonal and carefully selected coffee on a state of the art Loring Peregrine S70 (the Tesla of the coffee roasting world).

Loring machines are the most efficient machines on the market, using up to 80% less gas than the average drum roaster.

This is because the Loring uses primarily hot air in the roasting process, referred to as ‘convective’ heat, instead of ‘conductive’ heat from a direct gas flame-like many other roasters do. 

This convective heat model produces a remarkably clean taste in the cup, with less risk of scorching the beans due to contact with the hot metal drum.

What’s more, by superheating and then recirculating hot air, the energy within the Loring is recaptured, therefore using far less gas and creating much less smoke and chaff.

With a maximum capacity of 70kg, they can comfortably roast an entire 60kg sack of coffee within 12 minutes, reducing our carbon footprint and becoming more efficient in the process.

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The Risaralda Decaf Coffee from Caravan coffee roasters originates from the Risaralda region of Colombia.

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The Risaralda decaf began its life as a washed coffee, grown by smallholder farmers high in the mountains of Risaralda, Colombia.

Origin have been working with producers from the community of Risaralda since 2018, where they source coffee through their partnership with social enterprise importer Raw Material.

Though decaffeination is a process which changes the flavours of coffee, it is always helpful to start with quality ingredients, such as this.

By putting as much effort into growing and sourcing great coffee for their decaf as they do their other blends, Caravan and the producers of Risaralda are disrupting the traditional ideas that decaf drinkers do not deserve better.

Often described as the ‘natural process’ decaf, sugarcane decaffeination uses ethyl-acetate as a selective solvent to remove caffeine from the green coffee.

Ethyl-acetate is naturally occurring organic compound produced by the fermentation of fruits, most often found in ripe bananas, and is used in a carefully controlled environment to ensure the removal of over 99.5% of all caffeine.

The decaffeination process is conducted in-country, ensuring money is kept in the local economy, and reduces the carbon footprint of the coffee as no further shipping is required to get it to a decaffeination plant in Europe.

Combined with the pricing structure at Raw Material which consistently pays fair prices well above the commodity coffee price, this decaf is delicious, sustainable and equitable – a perfect all-day drinker.


Here’s an idea of what to expect from this brilliant decaf coffee from Caravan.

Team Batch brew method of choice - Pour Over.

If you loved this coffee and want it to have it in your life again order directly from Caravan Coffee Roasters now.

Free Brew Guide PDF Cheat Sheet

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