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The Best Coffee In The World 2024

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We have tried so many different coffees over the years. Apart from constantly receiving the best coffee beans from independent coffee roasters to feature in our coffee club, we all love coffee. So in our spare time many cups of coffee are tried and tasted. In turn, hopefully we can guide you through what we know is the best coffee in the world.


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Now, if you just google searched the query ‘best coffee in the world’ no doubt you will come across a load of shit coffee… Literally. 

You will find brands promoting coffee such as civet or Elephant dung coffee as the best coffee beans in the world. 

Although this coffee (when it is genuine - there is a big black market with these coffees) is rare and expensive, it is far from the world's best coffee and is really just heavily marketed ‘crap’ coffee.

Having said all of this, it’s hard to actually say ‘this is the best coffee in the world’ because taste is incredibly subjective, so we will offer various points of view.

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What makes coffee the best in the world?
The Best Coffee in the World 2023

What makes coffee the best in the world?

So for us at Batch Coffee Club we would class the best coffee in the world as a coffee that excels in a couple of areas:

  • Taste/flavour

  • Sustainability, social and environmental factors.

But the best coffee beans in the world are without a doubt speciality coffee.

To somewhat have a brief dive into what exactly specialty coffee is…

Firstly, coffee is a fruit that is grown and harvested around the world in coffee farms.

Tom, Working on a Colombian Coffee Farm

Before the coffee is exported out of the coffee producing country it is processed and dried into what is commonly referred to as green coffee.

This green coffee is then tasted and given a number between 1-100 which is basically a quality score. Anything above 80 points is deemed as specialty coffee.

Green coffee is then exported and sold to the highest bidder before being distributed around the world.

There are coffees that score in the 90s that fetch an astonishingly high price, most famously coffees originating from Panama of the Gesha variety. 

Now the thing with specialty coffee (and the beauty for me) is that every coffee is finite and once that particular harvest has been consumed, that’s it.

So essentially the best coffee in the world is a fluid answer that is forever changing.

So rather than list coffees that may be sold out when you come to read this article, we’ll show you where to find some of the best coffee in the world.

The Best Coffee in the World 2024

1. Batch Coffee Club

If you are interested in receiving a selection of the best coffee in the world then Batch Coffee Club is your ticket.

Looping back to our point above about how green coffee is always changing through seasonality, it is Batch Coffee Club’s mission to source the very best coffee around the world and showcase 2 side by side in each box to taste and compare. 

A team of coffee people and industry professionals, Batch Coffee Club are constantly tasting new coffees to feature in each unique box. 

Just as a coffee roaster or a green coffee buyer would taste test coffee (coffee cupping) you will receive a coffee flavour wheel in your first box that helps you identify the flavour notes in each of the coffees.

Checkout Batch Coffee Club.

Taste The Best Coffee in the World With Batch Coffee Club

See this content in the original post

2. The Barn

Since 2010, THE BARN has been at the forefront of the Specialty Coffee Movement in Europe, leading the way in coffee roasting and brewing.

Their commitment to producing exceptional coffee is reflected in the quality of their beans, which are enjoyed by coffee shops and home brewers all over the world.

At the heart of their vision is a relentless pursuit of excellence in coffee-making.

They refuse to compromise on quality, working tirelessly to improve the flavour and complexity of our coffees with every roast. Their approach to coffee roasting is unique - they never blend their beans, instead showcasing the distinctive flavour profiles of each farm they work with. 

This not only makes their farmers proud, but also ensures that their products are fully traceable.

At The Barn, they believe that great coffee is more than just a drink - it's a sensory experience. From the moment their beans are roasted to the moment they're brewed, they’re dedicated to crafting a coffee that's truly exceptional.

Checkout The Barn.

3. Assembly

Based in Brixton, London, Assembly is a customer-focused coffee roaster that is renowned for its commitment to quality and innovation.

The company is among the few coffee roasters in the UK that are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of every aspect of their business.

The Assembly roastery is located in a historic 19th century fire station in the heart of London.

At the centre of the roastery is a Loring roaster, which is complemented by a state-of-the-art coffee sensory lab and a couple of event spaces that are perfect for hosting cuppings. This impressive set-up is a testament to the company's dedication to the art of specialty coffee.

Assembly was launched in 2015 during the annual London coffee festival, and has since gained a global following. 

At Assembly, quality is at the heart of everything they do. From sourcing the highest quality coffee beans to roasting and brewing techniques, the company is dedicated to creating an exceptional coffee experience for its customers.

With its focus on quality and innovation, Assembly has become a go-to destination for coffee lovers in London and beyond.

Checkout Assembly Coffee.

4. Blue Bottle

Blue Bottle Coffee Roasters is a specialty coffee company that has been at the forefront of the third-wave coffee movement since its inception in Oakland, California in 2002.

The company is renowned for its commitment to sourcing and roasting the highest quality beans from around the world, and for its emphasis on creating a unique coffee experience for every customer.

Once the beans are selected, they are roasted using a range of techniques and equipment to achieve the perfect balance of flavour and aroma.

Blue Bottle Coffee Roasters' expert roasters carefully monitor each roast to ensure that the beans are roasted to perfection, bringing out the unique flavour characteristics of each blend.

At Blue Bottle Coffee Roasters, coffee is more than just a drink - it's a passion.

The company's commitment to quality, sustainability, and ethical sourcing is reflected in every cup, making it the perfect destination for anyone looking for a truly exceptional coffee experience.

Checkout Blue Bottle Coffee.

5. 3FE

The 3FE coffee roastery in Dublin, Ireland, is a haven for coffee enthusiasts seeking the best coffee in the world.

They specialise in sourcing, roasting, and brewing some of the world's finest coffees, with a relentless focus on quality and consistency.

At 3FE, the art of coffee is taken seriously, and the team is dedicated to sharing their knowledge and passion with customers.

They offer regular workshops and events to educate coffee lovers on the nuances of brewing, tasting, and roasting, and to help them discover new and exciting coffee varieties from around the world.

Colin Harmon, the founder of 3FE, is renowned in the specialty coffee world. He is a world-class barista and a three-time Irish Barista Champion, known for his expertise in specialty coffee and his commitment to excellence in every aspect of the coffee experience as well as writing what I know about running coffee shops.

Checkout 3FE.

Avoid - Civet Coffee

Or anything that involves passing through an animal.

Look, I completely get the novelty factor in civet or elephant dung coffee.

I remember discovering cat poop coffee in Vietnam and being completely taken back by the concept.

However, the coffee is always poor quality green coffee that doesn’t possess any significant flavour profiles.

This type of coffee is heavily marketed in certain countries and other than the fact that many of these animals are inhumanely treated to produce this coffee and much of it is illegally traded on the black market, it tastes like crap anyway.


Where is the best coffee in the world?

The best coffee in the world can actually be found anywhere in the world. It depends on which coffee roaster has purchased the best green coffee beans in the world.

The best greens in the world can also be found in any coffee growing country in the world, some of the most expensive coffee in the world originates from countries such as Panama or Ethiopia.

Of course it is hard to know where these raw coffee beans end up, there are many countries that have

What is the number 1 coffee brand in the world?

Like with many of the questions posed above, it is really difficult to quantify number 1 as there are many different factors at play. 

Some of the most famous coffee brands in the world are:

Here are some of the larger coffee roasters that are still independent but are producing world class coffee on a commercial scale, that we think are some of the best coffee brands in world:

Which country has the best tasting coffee in the world?

I will split this question into 2 parts, firstly the coffee producing country with the best tatsing coffee followed by the coffee consuming country with the best tasting coffee:

Best tasting coffee producing country, although, again it is really hard to select the best origin as specialty coffee is based on taste and preference there are a few stand out origins that are consistently great coffee and while you can find some of the worlds best coffee in any origin, there are a handful of countries that always produce top draw coffee:

  • Ethiopia

  • Kenya

  • Costa Rica

  • Panama

  • Colombia

The best tasting coffee from a consuming country is also quite a tricky one to answer. You can pretty much find a specialty coffee shop in any country today and some of the best coffee shops in the world may be found in countries that you’d least expect.

That said, there are a few countries that have a superior coffee scene and their strive for quality has seen the standard of the average coffee shop increase:

  • Netherlands

  • Germany

  • Denmark

  • Japan

  • Australia

  • New Zealand

Which city is famous for coffee?

There are a few cities the world that you would associate coffee with actually the list has changed over the last few years since the third wave of coffee.

Here are our top 5 famous cities in the world of coffee:

  • Naples

  • New York

  • Melbourne

  • San Francisco

  • Amsterdam

How to find the best quality coffee in the world?

Finding the best quality coffee in the world can be a subjective and challenging task as everyone's taste and preferences vary. However, here are some tips that can help you identify high-quality coffee:

  1. Look for the origin: Coffee beans from specific regions or countries are known for their unique flavours and characteristics. For instance, beans from Ethiopia, Colombia, and Panama are well-known for their distinct taste profiles.

  2. Check the roast date: Freshness is crucial for good coffee. Look for coffee beans that have been recently roasted as they have a more vibrant flavour and aroma than stale beans.

  3. Check the grade: Specialty coffee is graded on a scale of 80 to 100, with anything above 85 considered excellent. Look for coffee with a grade of 85 or above.

  4. Consider the processing method: The processing method used to produce coffee can affect its taste. For instance, washed coffee tends to have a cleaner taste, while natural coffee has a fruitier flavour.

  5. Try different roasters: Different roasters have their roasting techniques, which can impact the flavour of the coffee. Try various roasters and find the one that suits your taste preferences.

  6. Seek expert opinions: You can seek advice from coffee experts or baristas who can recommend high-quality coffee and guide you through the tasting process.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of finding the best quality coffee in the world that suits your taste preferences.

How is coffee rated?

The Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) coffee grading scale is a standardised system used to evaluate the quality of coffee based on its sensory attributes. 

The SCA scale is based on a 100-point system and includes the following categories:

Fragrance/Aroma: The smell of the dry coffee grounds and the aroma of the brewed coffee.

Flavour: The taste of the coffee, including its sweetness, bitterness, acidity, and any other distinctive flavours. 

Aftertaste: The taste that lingers after the coffee has been swallowed. 

Acidity: The brightness or tanginess of the coffee. 

Body: The texture or mouthfeel of the coffee. 

Balance: The overall harmony of the coffee's flavour, acidity, body, and aroma.

The SCA score for each category ranges from 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest. The total score is the sum of the individual scores for each category, with a perfect score being 100.

Coffees that score 80 points or above are considered to be specialty grade and some of the best coffees in the world.