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Clifton Coffee Roasters | Rocky Mountain | Panama

If you’re into specialty coffee then Clifton is the place to buy Bristol coffee beans.

Clifton is a coffee roaster located in Bristol, UK.

Clifton Coffee Roasters are one of the seasoned pro’s of the speciality coffee game in the UK. Founded in 2001 they began servicing espresso machines for the retailers of coffee in Bristol. They evolved then into selling wholesale roasted coffee and training people how to make it, they had one of the first ‘barista training’ schemes in the UK.

In 2013 the business evolved again, now concentrating on mainly sourcing and roasting speciality coffee. This coincided with the coffee boom in the UK and Clifton coffee soon became a well-known name amongst the coffee sceners of Europe.

Their drive to educate themselves about each origin and then share that knowledge with their customers is why  Clifton is at the forefront of the speciality coffee scene in the UK.

The Coffee

Panama is an origin that I always look out for. Having lived there for 3 months in 2018 and visited many coffee farms, I always have a soft spot for Panamanian coffee.

I think that is something that resonates in many products, if you have visited the origin it somehow tastes better.

A wonderful country that offer some wonderful coffee.

The unique terrain of Panama combined with the infrastructure make the coffee farming and processing some of the most advanced in the world. Home of Finca Esmarelda, the Pioneer in Geisha coffee, Panama is one of the most revered coffee growing regions on the map.

The Review

The Rocky Mountain from Clifton does not disappoint. To start with the fragrance was more sweet than fruity as the tasting notes suggest. I had a few crunches of the beans and I tasted treacle and brown sugar. 

The brewed coffee, to look at maybe didn’t look as bright as I had imagined but tasted brilliant. The juicy berry notes immediately came through with layers of tropical fruits. As the coffee cooled more berry notes came forward while also holding its depth. It had a great level of acidity that wasn’t too sharp enabling it to work well with milk. Overall a fantastic coffee drinking experience with some exciting flavours.

Photo - Cision

Worked extremely well as a V60 as expected, but extracted as a fairly short Aeropress was my favourite brew.